About querfeldein

Querfeldein specialises in cross-disciplinary research and consulting in programme design, programme evaluation and policy advising. The German word ‘querfeldein’ translates as ‘exploring terrain off the beaten track’. It stands for our inter-disciplinary, even unconventional, strategy of combining methods from social sciences, environmental sciences, spatial planning and other disciplines for approaching research tasks.

Querfeldein works in collaboration with partner institutions across Europe on projects commissioned by EU-funded programmes, European institutions and regional authorities, and on research projects funded through EU research programmes.

Primary research focus and competence areas are:

  • Regional development and planning on topics pertaining to EU regional policy and the management of EU Structural and Investment Funds, also on regional development in a specific national context, e.g. on the issue of depopulation and ageing in rural Spain.
  • New forms of territorial governance such as soft territorial cooperation or integrated territorial strategies.
  • Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of European regional development and territorial cooperation programmes. The ambition is to make evaluation more meaningful by developing and applying innovative approaches such as territorial impact mapping, participatory action research, longitudinal studies, etc.
  • Energy and sustainable development, notably in the area of energy and environmental policy scenarios.

Querfeldein combines strong client orientation with high scientific standards.

  • Implementable solutions: We work hard to present independent evidence-based research in a clear, concise and easily accessible and implementable way, which includes the use of innovative visualisation techniques.
  • Client involvement: We develop solutions in close collaboration with clients, taking a co-design approach where appropriate.
  • High quality deliveries: We are committed to delivering high-quality and timely results by working carefully and devoting projects the time that they need to reach the aspired quality standard.

Core competencies include:

Qualitative research methods

Querfeldein offers a range of qualitative research methods such as content analysis, case studies, focus group research, and action research, to gain maximum insights from the analysed cases and data, and to present a coherent analysis.

Data collection and analysis

Querfeldein is experienced in applying sophisticated statistical analysis, GIS analysis and mapping, survey techniques, and network analysis, to secure qualitative research with representative quantitative data.

Group facilitation and moderation

Querfeldein regularly facilitates capacity building workshops, focus groups, expert meetings and conferences, providing informed and professionally organised events for people to exchange and learn.

Visual communication

Querfeldein uses graphic design and typography to complement text with powerful imagery and creates data visualizations and professionally presented reports and publications.