About me

Nathalie Wergles

For the past seven years, I have been working in the sphere of regional development and territorial cooperation, contributing to a Europe where borders become ever less important. My project porfolio includes studies in the field of EU Structural and Investment Funds management and Interreg programme impact evaluations. I advised and supported Interreg programmes on building cogent intervention logics and defining meaningful performance indicators. Moreover, I worked as an advisor to the Regional Parliament of Castile and Leon, Spain, on the topic of rural depopulation and ageing. Currently, I am managing a Horizon 2020 research project on integrated assessment modelling for the University of Valladolid. Find out more about my recent projects.

Before founding querfeldein, I worked at Spatial Foresight GmbH, a Luxembourg-based consultancy, where I contributed to numerous studies in the field of EU territorial development and regional policies. In my role as trainer at INTERACT, a programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, I developed, organised and facilitated capacity building workshops and conducted a study on the contribution of Interreg to EU energy policies.

Prior to entering into the fascinating world of transboundary cooperation, I was working at the Natural Hazards Department of the Austrian Federal Railways.

I have graduated with a degree in Landscape Planning and Landscape Ecology from the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (AT) and in Environmental Technology and International Affairs from the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy (AT). My special interests are in the area of sustainable energy, green technology and sustainable environmental management.