Administrative capacity building

National Expert for the Study on the ’Use of Technical Assistance for Administrative Capacity Building During the 2014-2020 Period’ for the European Commission, DG Regio Duration: 05/2019-06/2019 Lead partner: European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde The study aims at enhancing the understanding of the planned and implemented use of Technical Assistance (TA) under EU Cohesion Policy programmes during the 2014-20 period for sustainable capacity building activities, particularly in the area of Human Resources Development. [Read More]

Depopulation and ageing

Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies

Advisor to the Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies’ (CALRE) working group on depopulation and ageing for the Regional Parliament of Castile and Leon Duration: 09/2018-02/2019 The Regional Parliament of Castile and Leon is leading a working group on depopulation and ageing composed of 18 legislative assemblies in six EU member states (Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Portugal). The Working Group establishes a framework for the exchange of experiences and good practices of the respective regions, to formulate a joint European strategy for addressing depopulation and aging on the regional level and disseminate it on local, regional and national level as well as among the European institutions. [Read More]

Event organisation

Support for fi-compass

Duration: 04/2018-06/2019

Lead partner: t33 Srl (until 08/2018); Deloitte Luxembourg (09/2018 to date)

Organization of the Annual EU Conferences on EAFRD financial instruments 2018 & 2019 and Fi-Campus event 2018. Event organisation support for fi-compass, the EU platform for advisory services on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment funds of the European Investment Bank and European Commission

Impact Evaluation

Impact Evaluation of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020

Duration: 01/2017-02/2019 Lead partner: European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, Scotland/UK The study assessed the achievement of Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) programme objectives in each of the four programme axis and to the implementation of the horizontal principles as well as the impact of the NPA in relation to the targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. This involved territorially-based in depth case studies and interviews ranging from strategic-level to project end users, the analysis of programme monitoring data, focus group event, survey and elite level interviews. [Read More]

Impact Evaluation

Impact Evaluation of the Interact Programme 2014-2020

Duration: 06/2018-06/2019 Lead partner: European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde The overall aim of the research is to undertake an impact evaluation with a focus on assessing the impact of a selected sample of Interact services.1) Harmonised Implementation Tools (HIT); 2) Electronic monitoring system (eMS); 3); 4) Harmonised Interreg branding; and 5) Support to the implementation of macro-regional strategies. A variety of methods and tools were used, including interviews, focus group and online surveys. [Read More]

Impact Study

Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013

Duration: 02/2014-07/2014 The study took stock of the achievements of the Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013 in terms of programme outputs and impacts. Outputs (i.e. products and services developed by projects), impacts and target groups were identified from projects’ final reports and classified according to an ad hoc developed typology. In addition to the analysis of project reports selected case studies were conducted by means of in-depth interviews with project partners and end users of the projects’ products and services. [Read More]

Low Carbon Society

An Enhanced Modelling Tool for the Transition to Sustainability

Duration: 06/2019-05/2023 Lead partner: University of Valladolid LOCOMOTION is a research and innovation project funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme that focuses on the further development of the MEDEAS Integrated Energy-Economy-Environment-Society Assessment Model (IAM). MEDEAS successfully addresses a number of known shortcomings of other IAMs such as the lack of proper consideration of biophysical constraints to energy availability or the consistent integration of climate change damages in impact assessments. [Read More]