Duration: 06/2019-05/2023
Lead partner: University of Valladolid
LOCOMOTION is a research and innovation project funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme that focuses on the further development of the MEDEAS Integrated Energy-Economy-Environment-Society Assessment Model (IAM). MEDEAS successfully addresses a number of known shortcomings of other IAMs such as the lack of proper consideration of biophysical constraints to energy availability or the consistent integration of climate change damages in impact assessments.
In LOCOMOTION, the scope of the model will be expanded by adding new dimensions and improving existing ones (economy and finance, energy technologies, factors of human wellbeing, mineral and land availability, environmental factors, etc.). New methodologies (dynamic econometric multi-regional input-output analysis, micro-simulation and System Dynamics) will be applied and well-developed functionalities from other models integrated. Modelling results will be available to scientist as open software, including extensive technical documentation. Policy-makers and civil society will have a reliable and user-friendly scenario tool in hand, which allows them to assess the impacts of different policy scenarios on the sustainable transition to a low-carbon society.